Tips for Getting Unemployment - Part 1

Nancy Anderson
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A few weeks ago I wrote a short series of posts on some general information related to unemployment benefits. I looked at why and how some companies may try to keep you from getting them in order to save themselves a higher insurance rate. Unemployment benefits can be extremely important for people while they are in job search mode, so let us take a look at some important things to know about applying to receive unemployment benefits.

One of the first things you need to understand, is exactly why you deserve (or don't deserve) to receive this benefit. Most people just think it is an entitlement but never really stop to think about what this benefit actually is and where it comes from to begin with.

This first point, unfortunately, is something you needed to know before becoming unemployed. If you apply for unemployment and have to go before a review board, would you be able to prove your eligibility for unemployment? Unemployment benefits come from an employer funded insurance program, and when it comes right down to it, it is your word against theirs. I covered some of this issue in my previous post entitles Fighting for Unemployment Benefits: Part 1, so you may want to jump over and read those two articles first. One good thing to make a habit of is to collect and save any kind of commendations and positive feedback from your job; anything showing your value to the company just in case it was ever needed in a case like this.

In order to receive unemployment benefits in most states, you have to have lost your job due to no fault of your own. So, when it comes down to wishing to apply for unemployment benefits, you need to ask yourself, if needed, do you have evidence to prove the job loss was not your fault? Before you apply, you need to understand the legal rules and guidelines for unemployment benefits in your state. If you go and apply for unemployment, you are basically signing a "contract" acknowledging you understand the ins-and-out of their system. If you just blindly apply, and think you are entitled, it could backfire on you and turn into a mess of an appeal process.

The system is a system of laws and guidelines that does not really care or feel an impact from how you feel about your job loss. You need to step back from your emotions in this issue, and fall in line with the system, in order to better succeed at applying and appealing if need be. Never lose your cool or try to argue over issues that are relevant to you emotionally, but irrelevant to the case as a whole.

Understanding the specific laws and guidelines for your state, will help you better prepare to file for and appeal an unemployment benefits case. If you find yourself faced with having to appeal and defend your case, it might be a good idea to hire someone knowledgeable about the system to assist you in your appeal. Knowing how to prove your case by a "legal argument" is the ultimate goal and, if the best you have to offer is an emotional argument, it might be best to seek additional assistance with your case.

We will look further into this in the next part of this series. Until then we encourage you to know your local rights and rules a bit better if you are about to file or have already submitted a claim for benefits.

Jeff McCormack resides in Virginia Beach, VA. where he works as a web designer by day. In his off time he is a husband, father, mail order book store manager, and musician. Aside from being a freelance writer for this Utilities Jobsite blog, he also seeks to assist in career choices and information by contributing to other Nexxt blog sites.

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