Stressed Out At Work? 6 Tips To Help You Relax and Increase Productivity

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Feeling stressed out at work? Here are a few ways to reduce stress and be more productive.


Let's face it, these days almost everyone who is lucky enough to have a job is dealing with more responsibility, longer hours and more stress. Workplace stress can make you less productive, cause you to be unfulfilled at work and can even have a negative impact on you health and home life.

If being stressed out at work sounds all to familiar to you, here are some great ways to reduce stress and increase productivity:
  • Take 5 – When you start to feel really stressed, take a quick break. If you don't take a few moments to walk away, you run the risk of letting your frustrations get the better of you. Some of the worst workplace moments happen when you let the pressure build until it explodes. So, take a break, get a drink of water or just walk to another area of your office. Try to think about anything other than the things that are making you stressed.


  • Exercise – If your job is going through a stressful period, or you just have a high stress job, consider setting aside part of your regular lunch break time to take a walk. When you make exercise part of your daily routine you will feel healthier and get a huge dose of endorphins, just when you needed them most.


  • Listen to music – When you are doing quiet work at your desk, try listening to music on your iPod or computer. If you just put one earbud in, you can still be alert to what is going on around you and your music won't disturb the entire office. Of course, you may want to check with your boss to make sure it isn't against your company's rules.


  • Talk with someone – Sometimes things get so bad that you just need to vent to someone. This can be really helpful and can be a source of some objective advice. Just be careful not to allow yourself to use the time to wallow in negativity, because that will just breed more stress and unhappiness.


  • Clear out the clutter – When you feel yourself getting really stressed, take a break and organize your workspace. Cleaning out clutter can be great way to relieve stress and after your desk is organized, you'll have a new outlook on your work. Not to mention you'll be able to find things easier and boost your productivity. It's a win-win.


  • Remember to breathe – The age old advice still is the best. When you are feeling the pressure build, take a deep breath and count to ten. When you're under stress and working hard it's only natural to breathe more quickly and take shallow breaths. With less oxygen going to your brain, your muscles tense and it becomes harder to relax. You can even take a meditation mini-break. Turn off all of your electronics, clear your mind and take slow deep breaths. Just a few minutes a day can keep the pressure from building.

What helps you get rid of stress at work? Please feel free to share your tips and tricks in the comments.


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By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for SalesHeadsBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.



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