Should I Apply Even if I Am Lacking in Experience?

John Krautzel
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Almost every job advertisement contains a statement about the minimum amount of job experience required for a position. Employers include this statement to ensure they attract qualified candidates who are prepared to step right into their new roles. In some cases, it is possible to land a job without having the minimum amount of job experience listed in the advertisement. Overcome your lack of experience by following these tips when submitting job applications.

Instead of focusing on job experience, think about everything you've done in your life. Some experiences, such as volunteering for a nonprofit or starting a home-based business, give you the opportunity to develop valuable skills that translate well to paid jobs. For example, if you wrote newsletters, solicited donations or planned fundraisers as a volunteer, you have experience that is directly related to the work you might do as a donor-relations representative or development assistant at a nonprofit organization.

Instead of worrying about whether you have the right amount of job experience, think about whether you have the skills you actually need to succeed in the job. Print out a copy of the job advertisement and compare it to your current resume. Look at detailed job descriptions to see if there are any additional skills you should let the recruiter know about. Visit LinkedIn to read the job summaries of people who have the type of job you want. This process takes time, but it's a great way to make sure your resume and cover letter include all of your relevant skills. In many cases, employers are willing to hire candidates with a little less experience than desired, but only if those candidates are a great match to the other requirements listed in the advertisement.

Before submitting any job applications, schedule an informational interview with someone in your field. The person you choose should have a job very similar to the one you want. During the interview, ask what it takes to be successful in your field. If your interviewee emphasizes knowledge and skills, feel free to apply for the job even if you are a bit short on job experience. If you have a relevant degree or professional certification, your credential might be enough to get you to the next step of the hiring process.

Finally, think about what you need to do to overcome your lack of job experience. If the job advertisement says a candidate must have excellent Microsoft PowerPoint skills, but all you know how to do is open the program, sign up for a class at your local adult-education center or community college. Completing such a course makes you more qualified for the job and gives you an opportunity to show potential employers you are committed to advancing your career.

Most employers do not expect candidates to match 100 percent of the criteria listed in a job advertisement. If you lack job experience, it's possible to make up for it by highlighting your skills and taking every opportunity you can to learn something new.

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles at



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