Hope Now is Help Now for Homeowner

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Upon entering, the event resembles a typical job fair. Rows of tables and chairs are lined up as exhibitors prepare to hand out information. Lots of people are clamoring around hoping for the opportunity to change their lives and get ahead in the current economic environment.

The Hope Now event isn’t about finding a job however, it’s about keeping their homes. Founded in 2007 under the Bush administration and with the help of Obama’s Making Home Affordable initiative, the program has helped modify almost 5,000,000 loans since its inception.

Faith Schwartz, executive director of HOPE NOW explains, "We understand that unemployment, medical hardships and other financial issues have deeply affected the nation’s homeowners. Many people have fallen behind on their mortgage payments. But it is important to continue to convey the message that mortgage servicers are working tirelessly with their customers. Whether it is through localized outreach events or regional bricks and mortar centers, there are opportunities for homeowners to get one-on-one mortgage assistance.”

Most people are too intimidated or frustrated by trying to work with lenders that they lose the opportunity to save their homes by not reaching out. Hope Now helps bridge that gap by offering online and on the phone mediators as well as large events for a face-to-face meeting.

Over 33 of the nation’s largest banks, the Treasury Department and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development are working together with Hope Now to make a difference in people’s living situations and lives. Despite the concern that the foreclosure rate is increasing faster than the amount of people the program can help, about 1/3 of attendees at the events are able to achieve what they thought was previously impossible by lowering their payments and fixing the interest rates.

The program has an extensive amount of online tools and resources from money management to pet help. Check it out to see if Hope Now can help you or someone you know.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for RealestateJobSiteBlog.com, she is co-founder of design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.

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