Engaging a Leadership Coach for Your Career Search

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The career search is difficult for many reasons. First, it takes a great deal of time and energy to look for the jobs, apply for them, and then go through the interview process. The waiting period can be agonizing, especially if you are in between jobs and need to find viable employment quickly. All of the above are making the assumption that you actually know what kind of job you want. Multiply the stress by a hundred if you are not sure what job fits you at this point in your life.

How do you figure out what you want your career to look like? For most people, it takes a lot of soul-searching and the ever precious time. Think about the jobs that you have had and your motivations for having the position. What was it about the position that kept you (or not) kept you engaged? What criteria have you established to assess job opportunities? Most people are unable to answer these questions, as we have been told to take the best job based on monetary compensation. All too often, money does not keep us engaged and we are left looking for ‘something more.’ That is question that many people come to coaching with. They often say, “I need something more, but I don’t know what it is.”

In most cases, you don’t have time to analyze your whole life and figure out your purpose and determine what the best career path is for you, but imagine if you did. Imagine that you could examine your values, goals, and purpose. A Leadership Coach can walk this journey of discovery with you and guide you to your new career and a new you. The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as,

“Professional coaching is an interactive process that helps individuals and organizations improve their performances and achieve extraordinary results. Professional coaches work with clients in all areas including business, career, finances, health and relationships. As a result of professional coaching, clients set better goals, take more action, make better decisions, and more fully use their natural strengths”

From this definition, you can see how coaching can enhance many aspects of one’s life, not just your career. Engaging with a coach can help you clearly define your values and goals to jumpstart your career search. Imagine how much easier it would be to look for a job if you had a set criteria of exactly what YOU wanted? You would fly through job postings and only spend time sending resumes to positions that you know really fit YOU. By finding the right job for you, you will be happier in all aspects of your life. If you are on a mad hunt to find your next job, but find yourself unsure of what you are hunting for, find a Leadership Coach to join the hunt with you.


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