7 Words to Use in Every Interview

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There is power in language. Understanding the effects of the speech you use is an essential tool when you are interviewing for a job. The words you choose and the way you use them affect your audience on conscious and unconscious levels. Intentionally interjecting words and phrases in persuasive situations can increase the chances for a positive outcome in winning the argument.

You don’t have to use a bunch of pumped up words that wouldn’t usually come up in casual conversation to make your point. Here are seven terms you should try to use to plant the right ideas in every interview:


  1. “long-term” – Use this instead of saying future. Assure the interviewer that you have goals you aren’t willing to give up and working with them will only get you closer to achieving them.
  2. “improvement” –Nothing is ever perfect. Most bosses realize that so show them how much you’ve learned but let them know you still have room to grow.
  3. “passion” – People want to know it’s not just a job but your work is something you really care about. If you show you are invested in their purpose they will invest in yours.
  4. “team” – No one can do it all alone so don’t pretend that you can. Express your plan to collaborate with coworkers on moving the company forward.
  5. “eager” – Imply that you are not only excited about attaining the position, but you are also prepared to step in soon.
  6. “opportunity” – It’s not just about what the company can do for you but what you can do for the company. Illustrate how the situation can be win-win for you both.
  7. “appreciate” – Sometimes a simple thanks isn’t enough. Let them know that you recognize their place in the company and that you value their time and consideration.


Of course, grammar counts. If you’re nervous, practice what you plan to say. Stand in front of a mirror or have a friend stand in as a live audience to give you feedback. You can record your rehearsal to get a playback perspective of your performance too.

Are there any other words you think make a difference in an interview? Add to the list in the comments below.

By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a multimedia developer with experience in web, film, photography and animation as well as traditional fine arts like painting and sculpting. In addition to writing for Nexxt, she is co-founder of design and promotion company. Heather’s spare time consists of making puppets, teaching Sunday School, building Legos and doing science experiments with her children.


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