5 Signs That You Are Going to Be Fired

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There comes a time in your career when you are pretty sure that you are about to be fired. You can try to deny it as much as you want, but secretly you know that it is time to start polishing up your resume and getting in touch with your professional network to find out about any new job openings. So how can you tell when you are about to be facing a career change?
Here are 5 signs that you are going to be fired:
  1. You have made a huge mistake- You know what I'm talking about here. Whether it is having lost a major client or made a mistake that cost the company a great deal of time and money, you know when you have made a mistake that could cost you your job. One of the big red flags here is when your boss doesn't deal with your culpability right away. If there is no disciplinary action soon after the mistake, you can assume that the reason is because your boss has to speak with higher ups to determine if and when you should be fired.
  2. The company brings in new management- When a corporation brings in new management in an attempt to “bring in new blood” this is generally a warning sign that your department is going to be given an overhaul. Typically, the overhaul means getting rid of employees who aren't willing to make some big changes. If this happens at your job, the best way to prevent being fired is to find a way to let the new management know that you are willing to do whatever it takes to keep your job and help the new team succeed.
  3. You don't fit in with the corporate image- While there is a lot to be said for being a rebel, if you look around your office and realize that you don't fit in with the office image, it may be time for you to rethink things. In this position, you can decide to conform and start making changes to fit in with your co-workers, or you can start looking for a new position somewhere else.
  4. You are being left out of company meetings and information- When you aren't invited to team meetings, you can be sure that you are slated for the axe. Once you have been marginalized, it is easier for management to send you on your way. If you think that this is happening in your office, there isn't much you can do at this point. One last ditch effort that you can make is to find a way to prove your value to your boss. Keep in mind that until they let you go, they still have time to change their mind.
  5. You had a bad review and the boss is watching you- If you recently had a bad performance review and since then your boss has been watching you more than usual, it is time to start worrying. If you sincerely want to keep your job, now is the time to take extra care to do everything to the best of your ability. Rethink your attitude and try to come up with ways that you can be more enthusiastic about your career and your daily work responsibilities. If your boss sees that you have turned over a new leaf, odds are good that you will be given a chance to prove your worth.
When you realize that you might be losing your job, you have to make a choice. If you keep doing what you are doing, then you will need to start looking for a new employer as soon as possible. The other option is to do whatever it takes to keep your job. Sometimes, losing a job can be a blessing, and for others, it can be a setback that is hard to recover from. Only you know what your best course of action is, but either way you will have a chance to prepare.
What warning signs have you noticed before you were let go? Let me know in the comments.
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By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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